We’re happy to announce that Namecoin developers will be at multiple conferences over the next month:

  • Tor Meeting 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal (May 20-24): Jeremy Rand will represent Namecoin during the main event; Jeremy Rand, Rose Turing, and Yanmaani will represent Namecoin during Community Day.
  • GPN 22 in Karlsruhe, Germany (May 30 - June 2): Jeremy Rand and Rose Turing will represent Namecoin.
  • MoneroKon 4 in Prague, Czechia (June 7-9): Jeremy Rand, Rose Turing, and Yanmaani will represent Namecoin.

As of this writing, schedules are not yet finalized, but details should be posted soon on the respective conferences’ websites. (We expect to host sessions at Tor, GPN, and MoneroKon). If you’re near any of these events and would like to meet up to discuss collaboration, please ping us on #namecoin-dev.

We’d like to thank Cyphrs, Replicant, and Cypherpunks for facilitating our participation at these conferences. See you there!